Pizza before cooking!
Pizza Dough
1/4 cup milk (60 ml milk) - any milk alternative will work
1/2 warm water (118 ml warm water)
1 tsp of instant yeast (6 grams of yeast)
1 1/2 cups of flour (200g of flour)
pinch of salt
pinch of sugar
First proof your yeast by adding it to the warm water with a pinch of sugar. Let it get foamy for about 10 minutes.
Measure your flour into a big bowl.
Add your proofed yeast, salt and milk to the bowl of flour.
Stir well with a fork or spoon until well combined. Remove from bowl and knead for a few minutes.
Place ball of dough into a well oiled large bowl (you can use the same big bowl from earlier).
Cover with plastic or a damp towel and leave in a warm spot until doubled in size.
OR place into the fridge and use after 24 hours or longer (up to three days).
Pizza Sauce
1 can of whole peeled tomatoes
2 tablespoons of your favourite barbeque sauce
pinch of salt
pinch of sugar
pinch pepper
1 tablespoon of minced garlic
1 teaspoon of Italian seasoning
1 good glug of olive oil
Combine all ingredients and blend.
Pour into a saucepan and simmer until thickened for about 20 minutes.
Set aside and cool completely.
Putting the pizza together
Pizza dough
Pizza sauce
toppings (whatever you prefer)
1 1/2 cups of grated mozzarella cheese
2 tablespoons of butter
flaky salt
parmesan cheese
garlic herb salt
Dust your work surface and dough with flour, deflate the dough and remove from bowl.
Dust both sides of the dough with flour and pat into a round disk.
Continue to pat and stretch the dough until it fits onto the pan size that you have. Or you can toss the dough until it reached your desired size.
Place onto an oiled pan and lightly press the edges to form the crust.
Spread about 3/4 cup of cooled pizza sauce onto your dough. Make sure the sauce reaches the crust.
Sprinkle your cheese and add toppings.
Prepare your grill by placing a thick pan or piece of sheet metal over the grill top. This will allow heat to better circulate around your pizza so the bottom doesn’t burn.
Place into your grill and turn all your burners to high. Cook for about 7 minutes, but every grill is different so please keep an eye on it.
Turn your burners to medium heat (for us this means the two middle burners on low and the outer burners on high) and cook for another 15 minutes. Rotating and checking on your pizza throughout. Can’t emphasise this enough!
Your pizza is done when the bottom and edges are golden brown and crispy.
Turn off the grill and remove the pizza when it’s done.
Spread melted butter on the crust and sprinkle the crust with flaky salt.
Grate parmesan cheese and sprinkle the whole pizza with garlic herb salt.
Let cool for at least 5 minutes.
Slice into desired portions and enjoy!
Delicious Pizza!